Sunday, May 14, 2006

soundtrack of the week

This is my soundtrack of d week. I found it in my homemate MP3 list. I don’t even know who the singer is, but I do like it. Its just a simple song, with a simple lyrics and simple melody, but with a deep meaning (for me at least). Funny to realize that a simple nice song from an unknown singer could give u a smashing spirit to face the world. I'm so going to rain bunches of deep, humble thanks to Letto (is it a person or band? haven’t seen the videoclip yet) who gave me an energy to hold my head up high and say “ayo echa semangat, u can face it”

kalau kau pernah takut mati
kalau kau pernah patah hati
aku juga iya

dan seringkali
sial dtg dan pergi
tanpa permisi kepadamu
suasana hati
tak peduli.......

kalau kau kejar mimpimu
kalau kau ingin berhenti ingat tuk mulai lagi
tetap semangat
dan teguhkan hati disetiap hari
sampai nanti

kadang memang cinta yang terbagi
kadang memang.........
seringkali mimpi tak terpeduli

tetap semangat
dan teguhkan hati disetiap hari
sampai nanti
tetap melangkah
dengan kerasnya hati di setiap hari
sampai nanti

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